A special visitor this week for our EYFS children, during their forest school session this week. Terrible tusks, and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws!!

This week in science we have been learning about how plants reproduce. We learnt about pollination and fertilisation and then created 3D flowers, labelling the male and female cells.

The Swifts have been learning all about pop music and began to compose their songs in the style of Mamma Mia. We began looking at our pace and rhythm within the music and built our tempo to develop a faster rhythm similar to Mamma Mia on the Glockenspiels! We are thrilled with the progress we have made and can't wait to compose more pop music in our own style, inspired by ABBA!

What an amazing week we have had in Larks class. We have been learning all about the Great Fire of London so we decided to open Pudding Lane bakery. The children have been selling their bread and using maths to help give change. They have been writing the specials board and taking orders in the café. They have loved being in the bakery kitchen. 

In our outdoor  continuous provision we were inspired to design and make a tank! So with the help of our parents donating some HUGE carboard boxes, that is exactly what we did! Look at the team work, concentration and focus ' on site.' Fabulous!