Travelling Cribs and Prayer Baskets

As we journey together during Advent the children in year 1 and Reception will continue to bring home our travelling cribs, a wonderful opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas with their families. In 2022 we also introduced travelling Easter baskets with our EYFS children and this year (2024) we have introduced monthly prayer bags with various themes that we call 'Liturgy at home.'

Below is a gallery of each of the monthly prayers and focus we share with our families at home. January's theme: 'Peace'

This month's theme: February: 'All you need is Love'

Prayers we say together often include the Our Father and the Hail Mary.

Our School Prayer

This is our school.
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of contentment.
Let love abide here.
Love of one another,
Love of mankind,
Love of life itself,
And love of God.
Let us remember
That, as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.

Lunch time prayers

Lunch time prayers are led by the children using prayer dice but a favourite of the children here at St. Mary’s is;

Bless us o Lord as we sit together. Bless the food we eat today. Bless the hands that made the food, bless us, O Lord, Amen.

End of day Prayer

At the end of each school day each class gather together to pray. This is our end of day school prayer:

Now the day is over, we lift our hands to say, thank you heavenly Father for all you do and say. I’m sorry for the wrong things, but glad about the right. Keep me heavenly Father, in your love tonight.

Mission Together Prayer

May all children in the world, share love, share friendship, and live in God’s peace; now and forever. Amen.

As well as saying or writing prayers we believe that children should be provided with creative opportunities to pray regularly. These opportunities include themed prayer stations, prayer through art, music and dance.

Faith In Action Prayer

Faith in Action Prayer
God our Father,
We thank you for the gift of your love which you give
to every person in the world. We thank you that
because of your love, we are never alone and should
never feel afraid.
We thank you for the gift of faith which allows us to
know you, one God, three persons. We thank you that
because of that faith, the whole of our lives are
directed to living for other people.
Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our friend and
brother, you show us how to love.
Give us the strength we need, through your Holy Spirit, to live lives of love and
Faith. May the world come to know your Son
more and more through our actions and words as we
seek to live lives which help to build your
kingdom here on earth.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen