How great it is to be back at school with all of our St Mary's family. This term Larks class are on our travels and learning all about holidays and the seaside. We have fully embraced our new topic, packed our bags and we have been off to the beach!  We have small world seaside holiday set up, sandcastles in the sand tray and water play in our water trays. The children even went on a pretend train to see what it felt like to go to the beach in our History lesson this week which they loved. 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!'

The Swifts have had a wonderful first week back and have began developing some amazing inference skills surrounding the theme of States of Matter in Science. The children had many fascinating and thoughtful questions such as; "Why do puddles disappear?" "What do clouds feel like and what are they made of?" "Why do our mirrors get misty when we run hot water?" "Why does lemonade have lots of bubbles inside it?" I will certainly have a busy term helping the children on their investigations to find answers to their questions!

The children explored items around the classroom and used their observation skills to classify: Solids, Liquids and Gases. I was so impressed with the children's enquiry skills where they began to question whether one form of matter can change to a different state. The children are looking forward to testing their ideas and theories out next week where we will be investigating how different materials can change states and reverse. Fantastic observational and classification skills boys and girls!