‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’

Philippians 4:13

St. Mary’s is a happy school with high hopes and ambitions for all of our children. Our school has a tradition of high standards and we welcome the opportunity to work with parents to ensure every pupil achieves their full potential, knowing they can do all things through Christ. We are incredibly proud of the relationships we have with both our children and their families.

Our Values:

The following values underpin everything our school and Trust do as part of our every day experiences in school:

BEING Just and Responsible

PROMOTING Spiritual and Human Development

ACHIEVING Quality in Teaching and Learning

SHOWING Respect for Every Person

CREATING Community


Our Virtues:

"A virtue is a set of behaviours we value"  (Y6 Pupil Voice)

" We show our virtues everyday from the things we do and the things we say. We do God's work." (Y4 Pupil Voice)

Our school and Trust virtues are: Compassion, Confidence, Honesty, Justice, Resilience, Respect, Responsibility, Self Belief.

Catholic Social Teaching:

Our key principles of Catholic Social Teaching link closely to our virtues, and values. They are reflected again, in our words and actions towards each other and reflect our responsibilities to ensure we take action to contribute positively, with compassion in our local and global communities.

" Our key principles are what we believe are important and what we are all responsible for" (Y4 Pupil Voice)

" The key principles are on display in school. We use them all of the time in our lessons too- even in PE!" (Y3 Pupil Voice)

Protected Characteristics

St Mary's have 'Pledged to Protect and Promote' as part of learning more about, and recognising what protected characteristics is and looks like in our school, local communities and wider world.