What a magical week we have have this week. We celebrated World Book day and as the children love to get messy we decided to make George's Marvellous Medicine. We got a large pan and started adding things we could find around school and I am so glad to report it did not explode! What a mess they made but this tells me they had a wonderful time. The children asked if we could read the book too so we have started reading the story at the end of each day . A small group of children visited the library this week for a story and activity which they loved. We also designed our own dinosaurs and decorated a large one together, these dinosaurs would be great for Katie to meet in our story. 

The Swifts have had an exciting day celebrating World Book Day! We began the day creating Roald Dahl Dream Catcher Jars and filling them with our favourite book recommendations and explaining how our favourite stories make us feel. We shared our favourite stories and listened to them in small groups in the library.

We also went on another Lent Walk! This week, Robin Bear wanted to help keep our planet looking clean and healthy so he decided to go litter picking! We were thrilled with how much we could do to keep our community looking clean and tidy.

This Swifts have also been problem solving to create their Victorian carousels! They learnt how important it is to have resistance when attaching the gears and pulleys to their carousels. After trying and testing their hypothesis and designs, a great big cheer could be heard when the children solved the problem and chose a tight elastic band to build into their carousel to help it turn at a sensible speed. Fantastic resilience Swifts! You have all been outstanding engineers. I hope our brains are ready to build the carousel onto our circuits! 

EYFS enjoyed linking this week's Forest school visit to World Book Day too- what a busy day boys and girls.