Robins and Wrens have had a cheepy and chirpy week learning all about birds. We made binoculars and sat quietly in the bird hide watching for birds and marking them on our spotter sheets. We went on a bird hunt to see what birds were in our playground and had to be super quiet whilst we were watching. We hope that lots of birds will come to visit our outdoor area and enjoy the fat balls and cheerio bird feeders that we have made. On Wednesday Little Wrens went on an adventure to feed the ducks and we talked about how the colourful ducks were Daddy ducks and the brown speckled ducks were Mummy ducks. They were so excited to see the Little Wrens that they all came up the bank onto the grass to enjoy some bird seed.

It has been a wonderful week this week with so much going on! Monday we had our Stay and Play. It was so lovely to have the parents join in our Lenterprise activities and helping us to raise money for toilet twinning project. We enjoyed a treasure hunt linked to our topic work this term, we played bingo and we made binoculars. The children have been building ships and designed aircrafts linked to our explorers topic. We have been exploring turns, position and direction in maths this week, we made a maze on the yard and had to direct our friend to the finish line. This was so much fun! We have been reading about Molly MrDrew and her adventures and we decided to write our own adventure story. We made shapes in shaving foam linked to maths and we planted some flowers ready for the warmer weather. Our raffle winners of the toilet themed raffle was Jake and his family. Well done! Together and we raised £57.65 for the toilet twinning charity so thank you so much everybody- we hope you enjoyed it all as much as we did!

The Swifts have had a very creative and exciting week this week and last week on their Roman Fort trip to Piercebridge.

The children explored Piercebridge and developed their inference skills surrounding the Roman Forts and the life of a Roman Solider. They also learnt in detail how Roman’s travelled and how important taxes were to the road and for civilians travelling into the Roman Forts.

The children had an enjoyable visit from Brightwood’s Forest School where they learnt all about Earth Day and the importance of looking after our planet by limiting as much waste as possible.

From their learning, the children made beautiful starling birds completely out of recycled materials which will be displayed in The Bowes Museum on the 22nd of April. How exciting!

St Mary’s Dance Club also had us beaming with pride where they showcased their outstanding talents in the Barnard Castle Multi-Cultural Festival with the town Mayor in the audience. What a special and important day it was for us all. We saw some amazing talent from all the participating schools and felt very proud to share our world with so many amazing and influential people. Well done dancers!Pictures of the multi- festival, celebrating ‘ diversity in the dales’ are on our school Facebook Page.

This week the Owls have been raising money for Lenterprise by selling cakes at morning break. We’ve been very busy bakers at home… thankyou parents! We can’t wait to see how much money as a whole school we have raised for the toilet twinning project.
In our ICT lessons, we have been making an animation of Jesus being tempted in the desert by coding using the Scratch program, and de -bugging when things didn’t work.