“Excuse me, I’m very hungry, do you think I could come and have tea with you?” Of course you can Tiger, Odette has prepared a huge tin of tiger food just for you!

This week has been all about tigers and zoos. On Monday we learnt about the continents in the world and researched different animals that lived within the continents. We then drew and labelled the animals adding them to our very own Wrens and Robins World map. Robins then created fact files all about what the different animals eat and where they live. Did you know that a Great White Shark likes to eat fish and seals? We then talked about the difference between a town and village and what an address is. Next week we will be plotting our houses onto a local area map. I wonder how many of us live outside of Barnard Castle? On Wednesday we had a walk around Barnard Castle, looking at the features of our town and finding places the Tiger could visit, should he ever come for tea at Barnard Castle. Abigail thinks he would love to visit Costa to drink all of the hot chocolate and eat all of the marshmallows. We have had lots of tiger and tea activities to explore this week, including a lemon and orange tea flavoured water tray (some of us even had a sneaky taste), drawing our favourite part of the Tiger Who Came to Tea story and Tiger themed focus art. In RE this week we have continued to learn about Lent and have talked about how Lent is a time to grow in love with Jesus. We looked at the different signs of Spring and growth and used watercolour paints to create observational paintings of Spring flowers.

What an amazing week we have had in Larks. On Tuesday we had a visit from ZooLab and the children met lots of animals which they loved. They met Harry the frog, Jasmin the rat as well as a snake, tarantula, cockroach and giant snail called Turbo! Miss Alderson and Miss Holywell were so proud of the children for being brave and holding and stroking the animals. We learned lots of new information which will help us to categorise animals as part of our science topic. This week the children have enjoyed some observational drawings linked to spring and Lent. They loved drawing daffodils using different types of media. We have learned about halves and quarters in maths and used these skills in our mud kitchen outside to make cups of tea in preparation for our stay and play! We continue our journey through lent and children have been taking part in mindful eating and taking time to be present during meal times.

The Swifts have had a busy bee week this week! We began the week looking at perimeter and area and challenged ourselves further with the concepts of missing number problems and halving squares to create a range of shapes with the same area. I was so impressed with the pupils progression and how they used their knowledge to solve some increasingly challenging problems using the post it notes! Well done everyone!

The Swifts are also taking part in an art workshop with The Bowes Museum called the Wild Escape! The children went on an animal hunt around the museum and certainly found at least 30 different animals hidden in the artwork there. Using the art from The Bowes Museum, the children design a comic strip of their chosen animal escaping from the museum to return to their natural habitat. There were certainly some very creative escape routes from The Bowes Museum!

The Owls enjoyed their second Lent walk on Wednesday. We walked alongside the River Tees towards Cotherstone. We even saw an otter!

In Science we have been exploring reflection and used our knowledge of angles of incidence and reflection to direct light through a simple maze.
We have completed our Space Buggies and learned how astronauts train for expeditions into space.